SimAnt ROM

SimAnt - The Electronic Ant Colony rom

The SimAnt ROM is available to play for Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). This game is the US English version and can be played using the BSNES or HIGAN (SNES) Emulator on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and IOS devices.


SimAnt: The Electronic Ant Colony is a 1991 life simulation video game by Maxis and the company’s third product, focusing on ants. It was designed by Will Wright. In 1992, it was named “Best Simulation Game” at the Software Publishers Association’s Codie awards.

Additional Information

The game is a simulation of an ant colony. Wright was inspired by E. O. Wilson’s study of ant colonies. The game consists of three modes: a Quick Game, a Full Game, and an Experimental Game. It was released for the IBM PC, Amiga, Macintosh, and Super NES. The Super NES version adds eight scenarios, where the goal in each is to eliminate the enemy red ants in various locales, each with different hazards. In SimAnt, the player plays the role of an ant in a colony of black ants in the back yard of a suburban home.

The ant colony must battle against enemy red ants. The ultimate goal is to spread throughout the garden, into the house, and finally to drive out the red ants and human owners. In this respect, SimAnt differed from other ‘Sim’ games that were open-ended and had no victory conditions. In the Quick Game, the player establishes a black ant colony in a small patch of yard, shown in top-down perspective.

The computer opponent establishes a competing red ant colony in the same patch. Underground ant colonies are depicted in a side view. The player has direct control of a single ant at a time, indicated by a yellow color, and may switch control to a different ant at any time by either double-clicking the desired ant or choosing Exchange from the Yellow Ant menu and clicking on it.

The player’s yellow ant may influence the behavior of other black ants by leaving pheromone trails to destinations such as food and enemy ant colonies and can control the other ants in a limited way (by ordering a certain number to follow it, for instance). The yellow ant can also dig new tunnels underground and expand the network of the black colony. The quick game is won or lost when either the red or black colony in said patch is defeated.

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Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

Release Date

October 1993


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Game Genie is the name for a selection of video game enhancers developed by Codemasters and distributed by Galoob in the United States.

Each device provides an opportunity to customize gameplay, allowing players to take advantage of features not originally intended by developers, such as cheating, altering elements within a game, as well as unlocking hidden functions and assets.

To use Game Genie codes on BSNES. Load the rom and head over to the tools tab. Select Cheat editor and insert your game genie code. Ensure the "enable cheats" box is ticked for the codes to take effect.

List of Game Genie Codes for SimAnt

  1. Yellow Ant Always Wins
  2. Keep Maximum Energy