Super Adventure Island II (Takahashi Meijin no Daibōken Jima Tsū, “Master Takahashi’s Great Adventure Island II”) is a Super NES video game by Hudson Soft. Unlike most of the previous games, it is a platformer with action-adventure elements that encourages exploration, similar to the later Wonder Boy games.
Following on from New Adventure Island, in this game Master Higgins, along with his wife Tina, are stricken by a storm while on their honeymoon. Both of them end up separated by the storm, and Master Higgins wakes up to find out that he does not remember anything. After exploring the island he is on, he finds out that the island is ruled by a king who recently found a girl that also suffers from amnesia and is appointed to become queen. However, she is mysteriously kidnapped and the king requests Higgins to find her. Higgins accepts the mission since he feels that the girl is able to help him recover his lost memories.
Super Adventure Island II puts the player in a world map that is separated in different islands. Each one has various items and equipment, some of which can be used to access other areas on other islands to progress. On the world map, the player travels by raft on the sea. While on the map and like in some role-playing games, an enemy can randomly attack, which changes the game in another perspective (in this case, a side-scroller), where the player must defeat the enemies or flee from the area by going to a side of said area. Once the player accesses an island or some secret area, the game switches to a side-scrolling view. In this mode is where the main game takes place.
File Name | Super Adventure Island 2 |
Cart Size | 751KB |
Region | USA |
Version | 1.0 |
Developer | Make Software, Inc. |
Genre | Platformer |
Platform | Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) |
Release Date | October 1994 |
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Game Genie is the name for a selection of video game enhancers developed by Codemasters and distributed by Galoob in the United States.
Each device provides an opportunity to customize gameplay, allowing players to take advantage of features not originally intended by developers, such as cheating, altering elements within a game, as well as unlocking hidden functions and assets.
To use Game Genie codes on BSNES. Load the rom and head over to the tools tab. Select Cheat editor and insert your game genie code. Ensure the "enable cheats" box is ticked for the codes to take effect.
List of Game Genie Codes for Super Adventure Island 2
BSNES is an open source SNES emulator (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and IOS devices that focuses on performance, accuracy, friendly UI and special features.
Experience all your favourite Super Nintendo Famicom games from the past with BSNES, the best and most popular SNES emulator available to date.