Stimpy, inside The Firehouse, the Chief wants you to pick up all of the equipment for the fire engine: the hose, the beaver, the stinky socks… Just make sure you put out the fires and don’t let your Dalmatian paint wash off. Me, I’ll rest up for the REAL job. Then, On The Job, we’ll race to the scene of a fire and catch all of those airborne appliances that are being thrown from buildings.
Stimpy, my brainless buddy, you realize that if we save all of this private property, we’ll be heroes! We could even be awarded the firehouse’s highest honor – the Sacred Golden Fire Hydrant Helmets! While navigating a multi-storied fire station, Stimpy must elude firefighters and fetch various items with which to equip a fire apparatus within the time limit.
If successful, the player advances to a fire rescue challenge, in which Ren and Stimpy catch falling objects on a life net. Gameplay proceeds in this manner for five workdays. On completion of the game, Ren and Stimpy each receive a Sacred Golden Fire Hydrant Helmet.