The Ren & Stimpy Show - Veediots ROM

The Ren & Stimpy Show - Veediots rom

The Ren & Stimpy Show – Veediots ROM is available to play for Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). This game is the US English version and can be played using the BSNES or HIGAN (SNES) Emulator on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and IOS devices.


Ren and Stimpy Show: Veediots! is a video game based on Ren & Stimpy cartoon series on Nickelodeon. It was released by THQ for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1993, and re-released for the Game Boy.

Additional Information

The Ren & Stimpy Show – Veediots lets the player experience four classic episodes of the Ren & Stimpy Show. One is the episode “The Boy Who Cried Rat”, where the player takes control of Ren dressed as a mouse and has to reach the end of a house while avoiding obstacles and enemies as well as Stimpy. Towards the end of this stage, the player must travel through Stimpy’s mouth in order to complete the stage by avoiding various pitfalls and obstacles.

The second episode is “In the Army” where once again the player takes control of Ren as they travel through an army base, punch at enemies including soldiers, avoid various pitfalls and use various objects scattered throughout the stage in order to advance. The third episode is “Stimpy’s Invention”, where the player takes control of Stimpy as they must escape a demented laboratory by avoiding pitfalls and enemies while collecting items to assemble the “Happy Helmet” and use it on Ren in order to complete the stage.

The final stage is “Marooned”, where the player takes control of Stimpy as he’s swallowed by a giant alien. They must avoid various enemies as they fall down the throat until they land in the stomach. Then the player must make it to the end of the level, attacking enemies and avoiding pits of acid in order to reach the end of the stage. There are also power-ups for each stage including health icons and powered toast icons that will give the player a brief stint of invincibility. The game also features the voice talent of Billy West.

File Name

The Ren & Stimpy Show - Veediots

Cart Size







Gray Matter Inc.




Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

Release Date

October 1993


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Game Genie is the name for a selection of video game enhancers developed by Codemasters and distributed by Galoob in the United States.

Each device provides an opportunity to customize gameplay, allowing players to take advantage of features not originally intended by developers, such as cheating, altering elements within a game, as well as unlocking hidden functions and assets.

To use Game Genie codes on BSNES. Load the rom and head over to the tools tab. Select Cheat editor and insert your game genie code. Ensure the "enable cheats" box is ticked for the codes to take effect.

List of Game Genie Codes for The Ren & Stimpy Show - Veediots

  1. Infinite Time
  2. Infinite Health
  3. Infinite Lives
  4. Powdered Toast Shield Lasts 85x Longer
  5. “Socks” Power Up Lasts 200x Longer
  6. Stimpy’s Mouth Won’t Close
  7. Money Is Worth 10x More