Following from the events of Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn, Heart of the Maelstrom begins after a period of peace brought about through the use of L’Kbreth’s Orb is shattered when the powers of chaos literally begin to emerge into the world. These unnatural energies are especially focused in a series of tunnels beneath the Temple of Sages in Llylgamyn, fittingly called the Maelstrom.
Adventurers, namely the player party, are recruited to journey into these caverns and track down a means of summoning a being known as the Gatekeeper who can seal these chaotic energies once more. Unfortunately, he has been imprisoned by a rogue sorceress known as the Sorn. Despite the greatest magic of the ancient High Sages, great floods, earthquakes, and famine again pervade the great land of Llylgamyn. The great orb of L’Kbreth, an artifact of remarkable power that has protected the city for generations, is powerless to halt the scourge.
But now, the Sages have discovered that the hidden reason is deeper and more frightening than the worst of these disasters. To save the very world as we know it, you, and your intrepid party must march headlong into the…Heart of the Maelstrom. Heart of the Maelstrom is a complete revision of the Wizardry Gaming System, with more story and game depth than ever before. You may create your own party of adventurers, or use characters from the other Wizardry scenarios.